Earlier this week I talked about the upgrade of the Delicious Bookmarking service that allows users to post their bookmarks and comments to their Twitter page.  Well, after using it for a few days and testing out the new features it appears as though they might have left a few settings set to their default values when calling the Twitter API:


  As you can see in the screenshot above, instead of saying something like “From Delicious” and linking you back to Delicious, each post to Twitter only says “From API” which then links you over to http://apiwiki.twitter.com/ which is the How-To site mainly for creating applications that call the Twitter API…  Um…  Hello?  Delicious?  Yahoo!?  Intern mistake? Or? Comment Name * Email *

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Delicious Twitter Implementation Left with Default Settings  - 6Delicious Twitter Implementation Left with Default Settings  - 85Delicious Twitter Implementation Left with Default Settings  - 41