Would you like the ability to sort through your liked songs on Spotify? The good news is you can sort these songs by using filter tags and other methods. This includes the ability to sort by name, date added, and artist. Spotify notes that you need 30 liked tracks or more in your collection to filter your favorites with up to 15 personalized mood and genre categories. If you want to know how to sort liked songs on Spotify, follow the steps below.

How to Sort Liked Songs on Spotify on Mobile

If you have thousands of liked songs, it can be daunting trying to scroll through them, hunting and pecking to hear what you are looking for. Luckily, with the combination of the liked songs feature and search filters, you will have an easier time. You can sort through liked songs on Spotify using the mobile or desktop apps. To sort liked songs on Spotify on mobile:

How to Sort Liked Songs on Spotify on PC or Mac

You also can sort through your liked songs using the Spotify app on your PC or Mac. The process is essentially the same as the steps for mobile users. However, there are different sorting options available if you’re using Spotify on a PC or Mac. To sort liked songs on Spotify from your PC or Mac:

Liking New Songs on Spotify

It’s also worth noting that you can still add liked songs the same way you have before (or remove them) by tapping the heart icon. As you add new songs from other genres, the mood and genre filters will update based on the content you add. The more you add liked songs to your collection; you will have additional sorting options for your liked songs.

Organizing Your Favorite Songs on Spotify

Adding liked songs to your collection allows you easy access to your favorite albums and tracks. And when you are using the mobile version of Spotify, you have more options to sort liked songs. You can sort liked songs on the desktop version, but it doesn’t include filters for mood and genre sorting. Spotify includes more features you might want to use to get the most from the service. For example, you can send a playlist in a bottle of your favorite songs to uncover the following year. And if you accidentally delete that carefully curated playlist, learn how to recover a deleted playlist on Spotify. Do you have a follower you would prefer wasn’t following? Check out how to remove followers on Spotify. Also, if randomizing songs doesn’t work correctly, you can fix Spotify Shuffle not working. If the music doesn’t sound right, learn about making Spotify louder and sound better. Comment Name * Email *

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