By default, you’ll receive notifications in your Gmail inbox when someone you’ve invited to an event responds to your invitation. However, if you’re organizing a large meeting, you may prefer not to have your inbox cluttered with event responses, making it more challenging to spot your more crucial emails. Fortunately, you can control whether or not you receive these emails. Here’s how to disable meeting acceptance notifications in Gmail.

Understanding Meeting Acceptance Notifications in Gmail

When you schedule a meeting event, you can send invitations to everyone you want to attend. These emails will include links to respond to the invitation as Yes, No, or Maybe. When your invitee makes this decision, by default, you’ll receive an email informing you of their decision, including the slightly amusing ‘tentatively accepted’ email if they click Maybe. If you invite a large number of people to a meeting, you’re going to receive many of these acceptance notifications. And you don’t necessarily need them; if you click on an event you’ve created in Google Calendar, you’ll see a list of how all the people you’ve invited have responded, which is a quicker way to check than sifting through a large number of acceptance emails. If you don’t want your inbox filling up with these notifications, you can disable meeting acceptance notifications.

How to Disable Meeting Acceptance Notifications for All Meetings

Although you receive these meeting acceptance emails in your Gmail inbox, the place where you can disable them is within Google Calendar. You can change the settings for each individual calendar in your account. To disable meeting acceptance notifications for all meetings:

How to Disable Meeting Acceptance Notifications for Individual Meetings

Unfortunately, your event response settings apply to any events you create; there’s no way to disable the event notifications for just a single event. However, a workaround allows you to decide whether or not you receive meeting acceptance notifications on an event-by-event basis. To do so, all you need to do is create a new calendar in your Google account and ensure that the event notifications are disabled. When you create an event, you can specify which calendar to create it in. If you don’t want to receive meeting acceptance notifications, choose your specially created calendar. If you do, choose your standard calendar with event notifications enabled. To disable meeting acceptance notifications for individual meetings:

Learn More About Google Meet

Learning how to disable meeting acceptance notifications in Gmail can save you from an inbox full of ‘tentatively accepted’ emails when you organize a meeting with a large number of participants. By setting up two different calendars, you can choose whether or not to receive these emails on an event-by-event basis. There are some other useful tips and tricks you can learn to do more with Google Meet. If you want to reduce distractions, you can learn how to change or blur your background on Google Meet. You can learn how to use Google Meet for online video meetings. And you can also learn how to schedule a Google Meet event directly from your mobile. Comment Name * Email *

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