This week Join Host Josh Windisch and Brian Burgess discuss what’s annoying them in the world of tech and tech journalism. IDC reports that PC sales are down 14% this quarter, and all headlines read it’s Microsoft and Windows 8’s fault. A few weeks ago we talked about all tech journalism reporting that Apple is doomed. This is all link bait folks, and to get the real story you have to really research several sources to get the real story. Sometimes when you read a headline on a major tech news site and the story, you can trace it back to an uncorroborated rumor. Sometimes something someone said in a forum. By the way, what is a PC anymore? Now we have gadgets we can wear on our wrists, stick in pockets, wear on our heads, and hybrid laptop / tablets that do yoga flips. Also, our how to tip of the week shows how to get rid of the annoying new right-click menu in Google Chrome.

TechGroove 32 Show Notes

Sensationalized Link Bait Articles About PC Sales (two examples, there are hundreds more):

PC Industry Implodes via Business InsiderPCs Hit Ugly Quarterly Drop, Windows 8 Flops via Cnet


RUMOR: Apple to Release New Mac Pro this MonthDistracted Driving Tickets for Using Mobile Phone Maps and GPS

How To Tip of the Week

Get Rid of the Annoying New Google Chrome Right Click Menu

Join us each week broadcasting the show Live on Google Hangouts – usually Tuesday or Wednesday nights at 9pm PST. You can catch our video podcast here, and on our YouTube Channel. Or for the higher quality audio version, you can subscribe free via iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

I guess I’m just old, but after supporting the PC industry by buying new computers every three or four years since 1990, I’m on hold now for something I want and not just what Microsoft wants me to buy. Then again, if you’re the type to just buy a new system, you could always get a new one with Win8. Ghost your current Win7 disc, format the Win8 machine, and stick your Win7 image on it. Or a dual boot system could be an option. Then you can play with Win8 if you feel like it. We have most articles on how to do all of that on the site here. But, you’re right, it shouldn’t be that hard for a consumer. Not everyone enjoys the geekery involved like us :-) Believe me, I have read a LOT of articles on GroovyPost and have enjoyed and admired all of them. You have a great site with super posts, all in a language even I can understand, and I appreciate all the tips and help you supply. At my advanced age (which I decline to disclose, lol), I find the Internet to have some of the most helpful and friendly people, thank goodness you are one of them! Thanks! Comment Name * Email *

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